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Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe


Introduction: Investigating the Everyday Presence of Media
Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier and Andreas Hepp

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Navigating "Academia Incognita": The European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School and ECREA’s Young Scholars Network
Anne Kaun, Benjamin de Cleen and Christian Schwarzenegger

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SECTION ONE: Dynamics of Mediatization

Mediatization: What Is It?
Nick Couldry

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Notes on Interaction and Mediatization
Knut Lundby

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The Mediatization of Childhood and Education: Reflections on The Class
Sonia Livingstone

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From a Social Worlds Perspective to the Analysis of Mediatized Worlds
Friedrich Krotz

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Communicative Figurations: Researching Cultures of Mediatization
Andreas Hepp

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Lessons of the Lament: Footnotes on the Mediatization Discourse
Risto Kunelius

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Doctor-Patient Relationship in a Digitalised World
Dorothee Christiane Meier

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SECTION TWO: Transformations

Imagining Alternative Agency in Techno-Society : Outlining the Basis of Critical Technology Education
Minna Saariketo

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The Alchemy of Central and East European Media Transformations: Historical Pathways, Cultures and Consequences
Aukse Balcytiene

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Ontological Security in the Digital Age: The Case of Elderly People Using New Media
Irena Reifová

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Reconfiguring Practices, Identities and Ideologies: Towards Understanding Professionalism in an Age of Post-Industrial Journalism
Svenja Ottovordemgentschenfelde

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Advantages and Limitations of a Text Analysis to Reveal the Strategic Action of Social Actors. The Example of Cultural Diversity
Bertrand Cabedoche

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Analysing Media Production: The Benefits and Limits of Using Ethnographic Methodology
Rosa Franquet

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Media Effects as a Two-Sided Field: Comparing Theories and Research of Framing and Agenda Setting
Erik Knudsen

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Records of Facts or Records of Mystification? Brief Notes on the "Surplus Value" of the Photographic Image
Ilija Tomanic Trivundža

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Media Studies without Memory? Institutional, Economic and Legal Issues of Accessing Television Heritage in the Digital Age
Leif Kramp

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Roles of a Researcher: Reflections after Doing a Case-Study with Youth on a Sensitive Topic
Maria Murumaa-Mengel and Andra Siibak

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Academic Schizophrenia: Communication Scholars and the Double Bind
François Heynderickx

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Engaging with Media in a Fragmented Media Environment
Riitta Perälä

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A Crooked Balance of Interests? Comparing Users’ Rights in Printed and Electronic Books
Hannu Nieminen and Anna-Laura Markkanen

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Too Easy to Say Blog: Paradoxes of Authenticity on the Web
Fausto Colombo

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In a Community, or Becoming a Commodity? Critical Reflections on the "Social" in Social Media
Tobias Olsson

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Participation as a Fantasy: A Psychoanalytical Approach to Power-Sharing antasies
Nico Carpentier

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Reassembling the Social
Ane Møller Gabrielsen and Ingvild Kvale Sørenssen

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