Past, future and change.
Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes.

Title chapter: National Identity, Press Photography and the Temporal Depth of News
Author: Ilija Tomanic Trivundža
Keywords: national identity, press photography, framing, news
Abstract: This chapter looks at how national identity influences the visual depiction of news; more precisely, it will demarcate the ways in which press photographs can be utilised to frame news reporting according to the structural framework of national identity. It is based on the premise that – in spite of the globalisation of culture, politics and information flows, accompanied by the fragmentation of news consumption, individualisation of society and increasing political apathy or discontent with the dominant socio-political order – news production and consumption are still primarily couched in the context of the nation-state and collective identification with the “imagined community” of a nation. In this process, photographs are seen as particularly valuable “framing devices” for the communication of abstract principles and ideas of national belonging.
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